We transform risk into value

Scientific Agency in Life Sciences

About Us

ALTA MEDICAL SERVICES  is a specialized consulting firm on Medical Compliance affairs which provides a full range of customised guidance, advice, support and solutions to health science companies along the whole life-cycle of new medicines, devices and programs.


We help our customers to understand, assess, manage and self-protect against Medical Compliance risks in different territories.

Our approach

ALTA MEDICAL SERVICES guides our clients on how to transform the role of tactical enforcer of compliance functions into that of strategic advisor, encouraging a culture of ethics and integrity in every employee at each pharmaceutical company that requires our services.


We act as an extension of the client, ensuring every single activity is delivered to exceptional standards and bringing commitment, integrity and pride to everything we do.


 Expert consulting, strategic advice, and tailored outsourcing services for all product life cycle stages

Clinical operations  

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Learning & Development

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Scientific communications & Medical information management

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Medical Affairs Strategy

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Scientific exchange & Medical Education meetings

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Medical games & Training workshops

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October 29th, 2024

El Rol del Compliance: ètica i compliment com a pilars de govern corporatiu

Ahir va tenir lloc la jornada presencial 'El Rol del Compliance: Ètica i Compliment com a Pilars del Govern Corporatiu a la Indústria Farmacèutica', un seminari de farmàcia de l' Institut de Formació Contínua IL3 - Universitat de Barcelona (UB). Voldriem felicitar de manera molt especial a l'entusiasme, professionalitat i interactivitat dels cinc ponents, José F. Zamarriego, Manel Rabanal Tornero, Elvira Cardenal Le Monnier,William Coffey i Anna Morell Aloy. Ademés dels continguts i recomenacions, la jornada va destacar per l'alt grau de participació dels assistents. Un gran agraïment a tots els qui ho van fer possible!
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July 2nd, 2024

14th meeting of the Spanish local chapter

Yesterday, the 14th meeting of the Spanish local chapter of ETHICS INTERNATIONAL SOCIETY OF HEALTHCARE ETHICS AND COMPLIANCE PROFESSIONALS was held to discuss the topic of: Assisted Reproduction and Fertility, covering both the medical and legal aspects. Dr. Joaquim Calaf, Honorary Professor of Obstetrics and Gynecology at the UAB, gave a brilliant overview of the evolution of reproduction, starting with the approval of the contraceptive pill in the 60s, the studies and the Nobel Prize of Claudia Goldin, and how fertility has evolved since then, including assisted reproduction, gamete donation, and eggs freezing, leading up to the models of alternative families in 2024. Ester Navas, Pharma Partner at Baker McKenzie Madrid, provided an excellent review of topics related to the use of advertising and promotion concerning the donation of human cells and tissues, the advertising of medical services and treatments, medicines, and medical device products. The influencer's role in this topic was also analyzed. Many thanks to the hospitality and collaboration of Montserrat Llopart, and to the very good discussion that took place with the attendees William Coffey, Anna María Jambrina Albiach, Àlex Santomà i Cardús, Jose Miquel Vacarisas, Elisabet Augé, Pilar Manso Rubio, Anna Morell Aloy, Yurena López Portillo, Ruth Barrio, Ángel Ramírez Martínez, Lydia Berenguel Muñoz, Ignasi Canals Almazán, Yolanda Martinez. We learned and enjoyed a lot, indeed!
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May 10th, 2024

 CINEFÒRUM EN MEDICINA: “El jardinero fiel”

Fa uns dies va tenir lloc la sisena sessió de CINEFÒRUM EN MEDICINA, amb la projecció de la pel·lícula “El jardinero fiel”, organitzat pel Col·legi Oficial de Metges de Barcelona, amb la participació de la Dra Isa Martínez, el
Dr Jordi Craven, Dr Bernabé Robles i la meva. Es va reflexionar de com s'havia evolucionat, partint de la falta de la consciència col.ectiva per una empresa farmaceùtica, recollida a la novel.la de John le Carre, escrita l'any 2001 i portada al cinema l'any 2005 pel director brasiler Fernando Meirelles. A la sessió es van analitzar el fets reals en que es va basar John le Carre, es
va comentar també l'exigència de les autoritats sanitàries per a presentar dades d'estudis fets amb la població ètnica a qui va dirigit el medicament així com la creació de l' African Medicines Agency Treaty Alliance (AMATA). Tot i la complexitat del tema, la sessió va ser una bona oportunitat per a la reflexió d'un tema d'extrema importància històrica. Moltes felicitats a Ricard Leon Marta i la Dra Isa Martínez per l'excel.lent organització de l'acte!
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Ronda Sant Pere, 52

08010 Barcelona


+34 661 569 570
